Turadh Housing
This project was a housing project based in Glasgow city centre. We worked in groups to come up with a master plan for the chosen site but our manifestos and projects themselves were individual.
The majority of people living in the city are young people between the ages of 20-29 who are single and well educated. They live in the city as they have access to better jobs opportunities and more social aspects to living. But what happens when these people mature? Where are all the families living in the city? There isn't many. People looking to start families move to the suburbs to raise their children as the houses tend to be bigger and are deemed more“family-friendly”. The idea of this project is to bring family life and family activities back to the city, for families to feel like they
have a place to belong in the city, with similar social aspects and the same community feel as the suburbs.
To create a flexible working environment that will grow with the business that is away from the home and can be expanded or decreased according to need.
To create a safe and famil- friendly space in which people will want to raise their families and that is big enough to accommodate growth.
To create a community aspect that is more found in the suburbs where the residents know their neighbours and have flexible spaces to interact.
Project Images

Design Images
Technical Design